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Wp Reciprocal Links 1.0.76 Out

19 Ott 08

Ho appena rilasciato la versione nuova del mio plugin che mette fine a molti casi di incompatibilita js.

Inoltre ho patchato alcuni bug che grazie a voi sono stati scovati, e ho aggiunto un codice per la cattura dei nuovi bug.

Il js adesso risulta essere molto piu veloce e stabile.

Fatemi sapere che ne pensate..

PS: A breve rilascero un altra versione con molte altre features…  ( come una thanks page e la possibilità di approvare i link direttamente dall’e-mail di notifica )

English Version

I have just released the new version of my plugin that puts an end to many cases of JavaScript incompatibility .

I also patched some bugs that thanks to you were found, and I added a code for the capture of the new bug.

The js now is much more fast and stable.

Let me know what you think ..

PS: A brief release another version with more features … (As a thanks page and the opportunity to approve the link directly by e-mail notification)


  • Well, it almost works now, I have 2 issues, first, the code for my link is only the letter v, second, how do I approve the link? Am I supposed to get an email or something? I see nowhere to approve the exchange on the manage screen there is just a great big red X, I see the info, I can check it, but how do I approve it?

  • Well , try to download it again, it seems that you do not have the right wp-reciprocal-links.php … Cause it includes some inexistent js files…

    In your website theese are the js included


    but it should be more js and with the dot replaced by – .
    so i should be


    I suggest to download my plugin again…

  • Still the same problem as yesterday, I see no way to approve the links. Yesterday I deleted tho old completely, as well as today and it appears to be the same. On the manage page it shows the link info, highlighted in pink and below that a big red X, oh, my link code does show now. I don’t know how there could be old code in the directory since that folder was deleted before the new was installed. Thanks for your help

  • @CarpetGuy , i repeat.. Download the new version.. I still see the old js on your pages…
    if it will not patch that. Consider to disable wp-supercache.. Cause it caches all the entire page.
    The new version of my plugin is 1.0.76 if you do not downloaded it yet, jump to :

  • I have deleted everything, again, downloaded version 1.0.76 and that changed nothing, sorry to be a pain.

  • Simply disable the cache plugin… Try that..

  • I deactivated the SuperCache Plugin, after deleting the cache, where should the approve/disapprove box/button or whatever it is be?

  • Maybe I am on to something, I checked the database wp_BARL_links and the sections approved, lastcheck, and reciprocal are all set to NULL, the category inserted is not, you know the checkbox? Is this a possibility?

  • CarpetGuy now that the front-end page works, you should watch the video published here

    The version of the plugin isn’t the same.. But the functionality is self explained..

    Let me know if you it worked for you

  • i have just download the latest version i.e. 1.0.76 and testing this…

    soon i will update you people regarding my experience about this.

    naseer ahmad mughal