The Blog

Embedded Youtube video Crashes Ie

29 Ago 08

Yesterday i was surfing this weblog with IE .. ( i know it’s bad πŸ™‚ )
After some minutes i surfed a page which got me this stupid error :

Operation Aborted on page with youtube embedded

Operation Aborted on page with youtube embedded

When i clicked ok, the page disappeared… πŸ™ .. So i did some google search and i didn’t found some good solutions..

While i was brainstorming myself about finding a fix, i decided to put the youtube video in a <div></div> box…

I tryed to open IE again and it works…

Conclusion: Probably ie doesn’t like youtube video where it has some strange Dom Parent.. So try to put it into a box and probably you will fix this.. πŸ™‚


  • Guf

    Internet explorer is bad.
    Why are you still using internet explorer? Why people still use ie? Why am i here? Where am i going?
    Fuck off ie, long live to firefox.

  • Pingback: technical glitch :: Making Conservatives Cringe Since 1977()

  • I love watching videos online specially on Youtube. There are lots of music clips, movie clips and instructional videos on Youtube. I love em all.

  • i use Youtube to watch Taylor Swift videos. I always watch movie clips on Youtube. What an awesome site. ‘-

  • hi! can i use some of your post if i cite u as the author / resource

  • After the success of Final Destination 3, which was initially planned to be in 3-D,[4] Eric Bress wrote a script, which impressed producer Craig Perry and New Line Cinema enough to green-light a fourth installment. James Wong was on board to direct, but because of scheduling conflicts, he decided to drop out. Consequently, the studio executives opted for David R. Ellis to return because of his work on Final Destination 2, who personally accepted because of the 3-D.[5] For the 3-D, Perry said that he wanted it to add depth to the film instead of just “something pop[ping] out at the audience every four minutes.